What a incredible detailed writup. Military companies seem to be coming more and more to the focus and this seems a like a great company with many good competitive advantages etc. Valuation of course reflects that. Will dig deeper into this idea to get a better understanding ( regulatory stuff etc ).

Do you have any idea what the competitors would require to catch up on "true solid state" ?

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Thanks a lot! I think true solid state mainly refers to the use of gyroscopes based on MEMS technology instead of mechanical gyroscopes. But thats just my interpretation and I am far away of being an expert in such technical things. I also don't know how difficult it would be for competitors to switch to MEMS technology and achieve similar accuracy.

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Fair answer! Circle of competence would help here ( or some expert insights) in judgement calls. With their checklist / reputation you probably can "ignore" it because they will probably at least grow with the AUM here.

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For me it just feel logical that they must have an edge at some point. Otherwise I don't think that the market leader and biggest competitot (Honeywell) would have the need to start a cooperation with them or a UK company like BAE Systems would chosse this really small Italian company for such a crucial prject like Tempest. But of course there can be other reasons for that, especially as these are governmental projects and when governments are involved it is often the case that irrational decision are made :D

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Haha good points. Thats our work to do as investor to make those jugdments and put a probability behind them. Perhaps "The Godfather" is involed :P haha.

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My 2 cents...I think they may have an edge on the low cost FOG, also based on the fact that the founder has a fiber optic PHD. Honeywell have been and is the unquestionable leader in MEMS (gyroscope solid state) I purchased MEMS gyrosin the 2005 circa for a INS )and honeywell gyros were miles ahead. gyros MEMS is cheaper smaller less power hungry but way less accurate.....than FOG so suspect so by combining both you can consume less power - turning on the FOG on specific events while running the MEMS all the time. Seems like Honeywell is positionning the CNS as low cost FOG. Maybe they have an edge on cost... I think one threat is that MEMS gyros due to advanced slilicon developement replaces FOG - ie achieving parity in performance. This is a long term threat since CNV core tech is on FOG. To be monitored.

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Thanks! Really helpful insights 🙌🏻

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